i have had people call me perfect.. i have been wooed and wanted.. but all i feel is incomplete.. i don't need everyone's good opinion.. i don't want to be a million's dream.. i want to be your reality...the wait feels too long in this moment..
i feel a void so big.. all the love i want to give you waiting to be given..

in this moment which feels much like a drunken dream, i write to you that i want you..

i miss having a gruff voice which is my man's and i miss the right of claiming it so.. i miss it... and i need you..
god, how i would love you.. i have a need to show you..

i wish you could see the vision i have, while m writing, of us in each others arms..
wish you could see my blush, when i think such moments with you, a blush such could put roses to shame...

touch me with your fingertips.. hear me sigh.. i want you more...ur fingertips caressing my face..push my hair flying over my face in the wind, ticking me, behind my ears...let ur wet lips tickle me instead..

pull me close.. m yours.. claim my lips so needy for yours.. they are yours..though they say no.. please no..don't believe me..

i don't know why now the feeling is so intense.. but i miss you...i miss you so much that it hurts somewhere i cant reach to or heal..

untie my bonds, i have cried and suffered and built walls.. strong ones guarded by my my arms of realism and logic...break them down.. while i fight you
while i fight you at the walls i made; contradicting everything i write now, as i fight you....
push and push and push though it all to me while i try to push you away...
i need you , i need you so much in this moment that i actually let it escape me in words..
bring my belief in happily ever after back to life...for my walls tell me its dead.. oh it was a dream which died and i weep for it so...
so...so.. be my angel and bring it back alive...and God! how i will love you..

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