You cannot be good enough for everybody....
But you'll be the best for the one who deserves
So what if you haven't got that one guy yet...
That stupid may be on his way to find you...
One day, there's going to be a guy who's going
to love you, your smile, the way you walk, the
way you talk, he's going to love you. And
you're going to feel confident and on top of the
One day, you won't feel insecure because you
have someone who loves you for who you are.
And I think that's when you know it's love.
When instead of feeling like you have to hide
your flaws, and feel insecure and embarrassed,
you feel unashamed, free, secure, safe, proud,
happy, and confident.
You feel loved..
So, Until you find that"deserved"guy, I'll make
sure to put up a smile on your pretty face
everyday before you go to sleep. Say cheese

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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