At some point in one's life a person feels as if his strength is fading away or as if he is going to loose something very meaningful to him. The feelings at such a point are very strange, making one confused and disturbed most of the times! whatever the person does, he feels vacant in some way. Vacant and dissatisfied from inside. Where-ever he goes there is something missing in him. To every normal thing there is something about it for him! Strange feelings and thoughts follow him everywhere. Most of the times he thinks as if the problem is with his own thinking or that he himself has to change because apparently there is nothing weird he can distinguish about the matters he feels awkward for. This arises more dissatisfaction in to him when he finds everyone behaving towards a particular thing exactly the way one should!!! He then starts to feel as if he is from another world or as if he knows nothing of the world he is living in. This gives rises to his bewildered behaviour. He becomes to stay absent while existing everywhere. His thoughts are that much scattered that he is unable to gather them! He knows no beginning but he wants to reach the end! the end where he finally will feel some satisfaction! Where the things will start falling into place for him. where he can finally say that yes he is living! It is not so that he does not live in his confused state! Yes, he lives and lives fully! for he laughs and feels! His emotions are not dead! but his thinking is hibernating!
such a strange stage of himself makes him feel as if he is done with everything because he can think no more or he is just unable to do so at the moment !
He tries to adopt certain ways to pacify himself! the things further irritates him is that the running river and the stagnant water exist in him at the same time! The rush of river is due to the stagnant ans silent pond water. and that is the connection of his heart and brain! Yes, the connection of his heart and brain is missing! The link is broken! That is the reason, what he sees can just see but cannot absorb it into him! AS he fails to absorb therefore he behaves strangely! He cannot just contemplate it and without contemplating he cannot move ahead! He can just move on but cannot move ahead!
the person wants to move ahead, so he cannot just let go of the things so easily!
the reason of his feeling so is because somewhere in his past he had a strong link of head and heart. Therefore the damaged connection makes him feel real weird and incomplete.
the only solution to that state is just stop thinking hard about the past and future! stop regretting about the loss! for that is only the wastage of time which one could avail in fixing the things up!
It is important to notice that constructing a building for the first time is easy but rebuilding the same design on the same map is map is difficult and often a tiring process!
two things to keep in mind are that firstly the renovation of a damaged building is not as easy and secondly it is not necessary to have the same design but the purpose should be fulfilled!
The most important thing is to get up, be calm, get determined and focus on the task! Never give up!!! Just remember that You can do only when you are willing to do! And you loose only when you give up!!

the absence of the link between one's heart and mind is not a trivial thing and it should not be ignored! If you want to live a purposeful life! Go for it then! You are complete when your conscience is in coordination with your heart!

Remember you are not strange or weird. It is just that you are aware of yourself !!! and You are just conscious of right and wrongs in your life!

this piece of writing is the example of my being "Strange"! It may mean nothing to anyone else but it means much more to me! I had abandoned writing because I was unable to gather the things at one place! But, I could not let it go! Writing means I am alive in one way or the other! I know it won't satisfy me fully but it is contributing towards it!

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