We walked the paths together,
Going through the changing weather.

The deep breeze used to blow,
And we stepped forward slow.

We talked and laughed aloud,
Under the heavy black clouds.

We were the new shy buds of a flower,
We twinkled together like a brightest star.

We went through crossing each danger,
But I realized we were still strangers.

Days passed on and on,
And we had a sharing bond.

Then came the barriers of friendship,
Who made us sink like a ship.

You fought to gain happiness,
And I was forcing you to meet sadness.

You cried for me,
And I took away your glee.

I got involved in my other friends,
And here our friendship was meeting its end.

You made me realize on the New Year eve,
You wanted to warn before you were going to leave.

I carried on in same way,
And found everyone leaving me with each passing day.

Now I realized your importance in my life,
A life that was meant just for a knife.

You gave me a shower of happy moments,
Now my heart was crushed into fragments.

I wanted you back,
Now it was you I lack.

You came near,
Still after so much pain to bear.

Holded my hand and said,
‘Always here with you I stand.’

I found my tears rolling down,
You wiped every drop,
And not let it fall from the top.

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