I sink right into her hands
Look out the window and gasp
“What is it?”
“What do you see?”
Nothing and it's catching up to me

My feelings for you like the phases of the moon
I am inertia and you are gravity
One of us moving us forward
The other holding us down
I am inertia and you are gravity
And our love is a sea of uncertainty
Whose tides rise and fall with our moods

Nothing standing in our way at all
But the crests of waves we have created
With every shift in tempo, a calm and a tsunami
With every shift in rhythm, something new becomes faded
How much more of this eroding can we take -
Before we break off and collapse into our sea completely?
Buried beneath the waves...

You and I and our love our own little Atlantis
You and I and our love -
Do we survive beneath the waves in secret?
Or have we faded entirely?
The world may never know but -
You and I and our love have our ways
You and I and this love that was never enough

And it wasn't really love at first site
We just kind of fell into it.
Intertia and gravity
And we tried so hard yet -
All we could do was collide...

But I know I'll see you again one day
Under a different moon, with a different face
I'll see you again some day
In a different land far removed from curious mortal eyes
You and I one more time...
You and I...
Inertia and gravity

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