What if i am not in a relationship. What if I am single.
It happens that sometime you just cant fell in love so easily. But i wonder most of the times why people cannot accept the fact that its OK, we are not sad being single. We are enjoying our lives as good as you are, being in a relationship. I know it seems to be a little weird when you see all your friends engaged with their bfs/gfs and you are just playing game on phone. But whatever, in the end you are like a free bird at-least you don't have any commitment to make, at-least you don't have to explain for every thing.

I love to being like that until i wont get anyone special but believe me being single is so much fun. The hilarious moments come when people start linking you with other people, when others start imagining that you are not straight; when they think we are allergic to relationships. whatever the truth is I enjoy being single tough i miss some special attention but I am HAPPY and I can proudly say that Yes I AM SINGLE.

When your friends are so caring and possessive that they cant share you that mean you should not bother about getting into relationship, you are lucky to have them in your life and they will make you forget all your grievances of being single. Such lively friends should also be there to support you.

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