Years Roll by,
Yes, the years all beaded with memories
of every instance of woes or joy!
It won't ever be back , no, wouldn't ever return,
No matter how much you look back or turn..
no matter how much you lament or cry!

And in those years,
a lot occurs..
From hatred to love,
to ageing, attachement with present and bygone!
Within the short span,
that little boy becomes a man,
filled to his brim witha youthful youth,
Aspiring to be big,
Remembering battles lost and often won!
In his dream too, comes that lady,
hoping to become his 'somebody'!

And so they roll by,
Nobody knows why?
Neither they stop, revolt, rescue,
taking for granted eveyhting passing by!
Why shouldn't she? Why should I?
Ego, attachements all now take
the place of serenity, calmess and peace!
No that's not a short journey,
rather miles to make,
before they settle
neglecting inequalities, indifferences,
acceptance, no never with offence!

And more year, more and more,
to get them accustomed to the life they lead!
Happiness unveiled within the arms of the lass,
the lad finds love, emotions to care!
Sharing, caring - become part of their life
When suddenly thunder befalls, cuting them like a knife!

Years roll,
will keep rolling!!
No matter how attached you get,
No matter how much you cry or wait!
A day finally comes,
to speak to you, 'Bid Goodbye, it's ifnally time
to bid goodbye to all memories,
sweet as cherries, and sour as lime!'
And you leave with a heavy heart
As it's finally the time to part!
Years roll by,
Decades roll by,
And once, you have to forget to live lfie,
As if everything sweet, was a lie!!

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