yaaddein yaad aati hai … and just came across this mail(invitation for alumni meet) — Go Gators …. and all memories were live again in a moment, as if a movie was playing in front of my eyes …

i was watching it so patiently … smiling a bit and suddenly had tears in eyes … closed the link and was just lost remembering the days … those few moment will never return … seems like i already had my death on the graduation day … and this is second life, which ofcourse has its good points, but is nowhere comparable to the first one … it came, for a moment i was in it, i lived it for two moment and it was over … too small but too good to be ever forgotten … i feel like tearing up this page from my diary … but when i think of it … suddenly i smile, i feel eyes wet and i realize that it was part of my life …. and all of a sudden something pops up on my screen … an outlook reminder telling me that i have a meeting to attend in next 5 minutes … i laughed and i moved on …

still watching that movie as I move my feet towards the conference room, that one sweet movie that nobody directed but came out as best, still watching those memories … after work, had a dinner and came back, …

it is 12 of midnight and I am back home … but that movie is still going on … calmly sitting on my nice table-chair arrangement, nobody to disturb … but that is the biggest disturbance in this silence tonight … if there was someone, i could hold my tears, I could stay talking as I did the whole day … i could control my emotions down … but the sound of this silence and the silence of the movie is tearing up the ground beneath me.

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