I am in a bad mood right now. I just got into a fight with my girlfriend. I want to to write, but I don't know what the hell to write. My mind is blocked. I can think of topics but I can't express. I want to pen down poems, but I can't think of words.

So, I am writing what it feels like when you write while being angry. It feels like you are the worst writer in the whole world. This is because you can find nothing to write about. You become angrier because it feels like you are the worst writer in the world. This makes you want to break your pen into halves, punch right though the screen, crash the keyboard down mercilessly and tear your writing pad into pieces.

Writing when you lost your cool is boring. You become the angriest man alive. Then while sulking, an idea suddenly pop into your hacked-with fury mind and you can't help writing down whatever comes in your mind. So what I have written above was to express myself.

I don't hope you guys will like it, because I feel like a piece of crap right now. So bye bye for now and I am coming back on WB when I have cooled down a bit..

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