Writing is a whole lot like cricket and writers of course are cricketers.

Writer Vir'end'er Sehwag-He's the flashiest of the lot.He doesn't believe in wasting time.For him, no standing in the noonday sun,making ones and twos.Just make fours and sixes quickly or just get out.He ends it fast.
So he writes two or three brilliant pieces,then off to the pavilion to laze in the AC,legs outstretched on the table.
Watching intently how the rest will fare.

Writer 'Yuv'raj-youthfully brash- saunters in with his trademark swagger,looks all around and begins his stylish shots.
How dare you question my writing abilities? Is his expression at his adversaries, as he sprays his pen all around.
Then brashly full of arrogance heaves it for a six.
Sometimes a sore malady does him in.But he ensures he's back in the team.

Of ton..ton..Pendulkar-what can I say? No words are enough to describe his prowess.Records after records..he doesn't seem to stop.
With his huge appetite for the impossible,ranked always high,he's still the undisputed king of the team.

Writers are bowlers too.They bowl a spell so fine,can win a 'Maiden' over.If she's lovely,they get so distracted, start throwing their ball everywhere but the stumps.

Writer Streesanth-sorry-I mean Sreesanth's known more for his on field antics.. a la impromptu break dance,although he can wreck the enemy aggressively if he really wants to.
Harbhajan babu takes potshots in his write ups,at the ones he so dislikes(Australians..remember?).Some menacing balls and he shows 'em the way to the pavilion.

If you ask me who a writer I wanna be,it's surely him.The thorough gentleman.
His name brings a dread on the opposition's face.

Not flashy,but so dependable a wall,standing tall.Consistent,he'll stand in rain or sun and ensure we will win.
Not for accolades,but for the country he played.

Ready and steady,he's my all time favorite.

As for me,my journey's just begun,not going really as I wanted it to be...
road's taking a slight turn...
happy memories..
is it
time to say,

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