WriterBabu Blogging Competition. As the name suggests, you need to write an article and win some prizes. Simple? Yeah it is. So read on ...
and wait! if you have not already signed up with WriterBabu, please do so. Its simple, just one click and signup through Facebook or Google account. Else you can also go through email.
Steps needed
1. Write an article on WriterBabu on one of the given themes(see below)
2. Post the article on your blog ( which is not WriterBabu, probably your wordpress or blogger blog ).
3. You should include a link of your WriterBabu post on your blog.
4. Include the link of your blog on your WriterBabu article.
5. Tag this post with "WBC" (WriterBabu blogging competition).
1. Why do I write
2. A tree
3. For what will the world remember me, after I die?
4. Capital Punishment
5. My favorite WriterBabu Author
6. The best Television commercial ever
1st prize INR 3000 cash.
2nd prize INR 2000 cash.
3rd prize INR 1000 cash.
The top 10 blogs will get featured on WriterBabu Facebook fan page and twitter.
Eligible entries
1. The entry must have atleast 100 words ( excluding the two letter words like "is", "to", "on" etc )
2. The blog post on your blog( non-writerbabu) need to have at least one link from WriterBabu
3. You can submit any number of entries but only one entry will be eligible for prize
Important dates
Last date for submission: 21st May 2013 6 AM ( Indian Standard Time )
Results Announcement: 21st May 9 PM ( Indian Standard Time )
Who will be the winner
Quality of content
Number of social shares
We intend to make it a monthly affair if the first competition turns out to be a success ( more than 100 eligible entries )
So get started, the clock is ticking!!
Few tips
1. Start early so that you get maximum number of shares
2. Keep on editing and updating, entries will be judged at the end of the competition
Will keep updating on the entries with time ...
Disclaimer: Although we will do our best but there is always a little scope of mistake in judging a piece of literature.
This competition, the first one at least, is a small attempt to reach out to a larger audience and earn some SEO points, hence it is important to also write a blog entry on your non-WriterBabu blog with a writerbabu url on it.
Keep writing ... writing is fun ... :)

Comments (18 so far )
am i not eligible?
Make one on blogger. And make a twitter account as well ... making a twitter account is easy and will take hardly 5 mins ... to set up a blog on blogger is comparatively tedious ... but still doable ...
I made both today ... :P ... it took me about 15 mins to create a blog.
All the best :)
I paint too, if u're wondering. is that enuf?
shall i post it there?
We don't have lots of money to spend on facebook marketing or any other form of paid marketing. And this competition is all that we could figure out which could help us reach out to more people.
It would be great if you suggest any other and better ways for marketing. We really need some more creative ideas. Please help.
Is facebook/twitter involved?
If yes then how?
I didn't get this can anyone explain it to me
@Aruba: When you post the article on your blog, include the link of your writerbabu post or the link of your favorite author's profile page(in case you are writing on your favorite author). Any writerbabu url will do.
The easiest you can do is include "http://www.writerbabu.com/" in your blog post. Any link will count.
So basically, kudos !! Great job. I give 6 out of 10 to this project. And of course it could be better but it is good whatever the way it is :) Long Way !!
This competition will be held next month too. So the learning from this one will be used in the next one. Lets not change the criteria of this one as its too late now.
And also need some ideas how we can integrate social sharing more strongly.
so w.r.t the suggestion:
The competition is in English and Hindi only as we need to find an expert in all regional languages to judge the quality of content. Facebook shares will not be sufficient to declare a winner.
Suggest a topic you want to write on, we may consider it. And will update the instructions for non-WriterBabus ... :)