Crying over a broken relationship is worth only
when you two wanted to be together and have
actually worked for it but couldn't be together.
What is the use of crying for a person who is
asking for some space from you and you weren't
good/mature/happy enough to give it?

Reason for the need of personal space:

1. Your partner had too much of you.
Avoid this by not calling/texting him/her every
second of the day.

2. Your partner need some time alone.
He/She may be struggling with some thoughts
and you don't need to know everything.
Be it any reason, you'll get this thought for once
that your partner is may be cheating on you.
Asking them won't do any good. Now, what do you
do? Nothing more than letting them be the way
they're and wait for them.

Wait till you want. Know your threshold and then
tell them that you've given them enough space and
time to deal with the thoughts and things but it's
affecting you now.

Why break-up over some space issue? You'll be
responsible for not giving space. But your partner
will be responsible for taking time and space and
then not making you feel good.
I mean how difficult is it on this earth to make a
girl feel good?
And, how difficult is it to understand that you're
being used and she's not interested in you?
Answer is just one: "Drop your ego"

Talk to them, try to sort it out, remember why you
chose them out of so many people and they chose
you out of so many people too... give it a try till
your last effort so that you have nothing to regret
later in life and if your love is true, no matter how
hard it gets eventually you two will keep sticking

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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