It's getting so tough to speak anything nowadays. Even innocent words have hidden meanings. In our days we could use names like Tom, Dick etc easily..

In our times 'gay' meant happy.

Any word has to be thought of minutely..then spoken with trepidation..lest some youngster laugh behind our backs.

We need to be careful with FB slang especially.
My boys warn me against sharing stuff without their close scrutiny.
Now how did I know what wtf meant or some such crazy abbreviation?
I thought it was some wrestling match.

Nowadays things get so perverted.. minds so's so difficult to even speak something easily for fear some young gal or guy giggles behind our backs.

I mean when we ask folk to 'come'..please we really meant that he would come home or come with us..not something else.
See how difficult life is now?

In our days toys were simply toys. Not some perverted stuff they invented years later.

Live-in couples were unheard of.
The live-ins we knew of were those that got married and lived in a house together.

Well, as the Book says, 'to the pure all things seem pure..'

Wishing we could somehow go back to simple olden golden days again!

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