I'm writing this straight from my heart.
As always.

Of late,the papers have been filled with crimes against the fairer sex.
Inflicted by rapists,drunkards,policemen,perverts.
The scum of society.

Now,let me ask you,why are women treated thus?
The answer lies in the movies.
A woman is always shown so weak,helpless,easy to be seduced..
Where did they get this idea from?
Indian macho men!!!

Okay,for my second pointer.
Are men women's worst enemies?
I beg to differ.

If given an option, I'm sure women would easily relate to their male colleagues at their workplace and wouldn't mind the absence of any one of their own tribe.
One of my friends told me once ,she was happy being the only female amongst many male co-workers in the office.

Men are not so jealous or insecure, as compared to women,I mean.
Just put three women in a room.
I'm sure there will be war in an hour's time.
Usually a cold war.

Women are good actors.
They can play umpteen roles any time they want,dazzling their poor hapless prey with the flashiest smile!

But they are insecure.
And how!
One woman does better at something than the other.
That's the end of the world for that other woman.
She'll now go to any length to defame,belittle,backbite her poor friend.
Emotional blackmail.
One more beautiful friendship that started on a promising note goes down the drain!

Hey,we haven't even talked about moms-in-law yet.
So well dramatized by our daily soap.
On TV.
How about the relentless torture-verbal ,emotional and finally the brutal physical
The poor girl has to take?

Misunderstood by friend,
Mistreated by foe.

Friends,in the light of what I just wrote,
do help me decide
who is a woman's greatest enemy???

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