The biggest compliment attributed or dedicated to a woman is when her husband, brother or father would attain some success and it is.."behind every successful man there is a woman".since tym immemorial we have kept our women behind men..its tym to let dem cme out...if they are so good that they can be the reason for someone's else success they can become a master of there own faith too..if they can stand up fr someone else..why not make them or rather "let them" stand up for themselves...its time to break the stereotypes of the chauvinist society..and let women pursue there we celebrate woman's day to support young women of r society and our whole country to pursue entrepreneurship.I always use to wonder why is it that some people are more successful than others..i thought there could be one of the two reasons... either they see a different world in frnt of them or they see the world differently.i think ofcourse its the later one.. the people who see d world with a different perspective..a perspective with which nobody agrees..a thought because of wich you are laughed at...and that is the reason why you feel the need to start something on your pursue be your own master....entrepreneurship is no longer a is a need in today's world...if evrybody would be a job seeker than who would be the provider..think beyond..think ahead..lastly i would like to quote a line from a very famous lady named eleanor roosevelt.."a woman is like a tea bag..u never know how strong she is .until she is in the hot water"

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