I am that girl, with a million dreams;
With urge my heart echos & screams!
Where words flow like a bush stream;
Hoping my every dream sheen!
With a million, in my heart;
Never let them go apart;
Give each day, a fresh smart start;
Let my fears depart!
I am girl, who dreams insane;
Dream a life without any strain!
Fly over every land & seven seas;
Let me be free, I wanna flee!
I wanna gain a sheer mark;
Before I leave this earthly park;
Dive over the seas & skies;
Surf the whole world, without any worries!
Dream to Dwell in a paradise of harmony & peace;
Where freedom never cease;
Where life knows no pain;
Joy & strength in each blood & every vein!
Crazy girl, who dreams without any ceiling;
Oh! What a joy it brings!
Hope those dreams gets wings;
With a million mad dreams, my heart sings!