Valentine is nearing... I see many couples holding hands and talking, walking together on the streets. The boy riding the bike and his girlfriend sitting at the back as the pillion rider leaning on him and talking non stop to him. In the parks, the girl resting her head on her boyfriend. The boy sleeping on the lap of the girl. Hugging each other when they are sad or happy... By the way, once I had also seen a couple kissing each other. Ummm... I mean a liplock kiss. But I moved away from there, as I didnt want to interfere their private and loving moment...

Also the love birds support each other in each other's difficult times. They become happy when their partner is happy and sad when their partner is sad. They share everything with their partner. The partners support their partners and always make them feel good...

But these things only happen when They are TRUE LOVERS. They truly and whole heartedly love each other.

The reason I am telling these things is to ask a question. The question is--- WILL I ALWAYS BE ALONE??? WILL I NOT GET ANY SUCH PARTNER TO SHARE MY HIDDEN FEELINGS??? WILL I NOT GET ANY OF THE ROMANTIC MOMENTS???


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