Since time immemorial, Sherlock Holmes, the enigmatic, unpredictable and genius detective, a character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in 1887 has spellbound the readers over the years. Sherlock Holmes, a London based consulting detective, with the help Dr. John Watson, his best friend, have solved numerous cases with an unparalleled deduction, remarkable reasoning and entertaining presentation. Sherlock appears in numerous novels and short stories like ‘Study in Scarlet ‘,’ The Hounds of the Baskerville’, ‘The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes’, ‘ The Case-book Of Sherlock Holmes’ etc. These stories and novels were published during the period 1887-1927.
But still Sherlock Holmes occupies a prominent place in fictional detective characters today. Though Sir Doyle has mentioned that character of Sherlock H. was an inspiration from real life, we still come to think of him as only a fictitious character. Sometimes his character seems to be delusional as we can only applaud and admire his powers and it leads to the thought that such characters exist only in books and stories. But this has not at all affected our dear and beloved Mr. Holmes’ popularity, and he continues to quench the thirst of those who crave for detective stories.
As in the novels narrated by Dr. Watson, we get to know that Sherlock’s character seems to have profound interest only in selected subjects but he keeps feeble knowledge of everything that goes on in his surroundings. Sherlock Holmes would have been a total failure if he relied only on his observation skills which many of us too possess, but when accompanied with his deduction and knowledge we can only marvel at his way of working. The contribution of Dr. Watson in his dear friend’s life is quite notable as he is the one that brings Sherlock’s character in light and makes it easier to understand the complex and unmatched thinking of this great detective.
Talking more about Mr. Holmes’ deduction , it has been said that Mr. Holmes possesses the art of abductive reasoning. His work has interested many logicians and thinkers in understanding his work, and his work has been named ‘Holmesian deduction’. Another important and can’t be ignored trait which Sherlock possesses is that he tends to be over- confident (only sometimes). He knows quite well about his extraordinary powers and wants the people to admire him and appreciate his work, which he has not directly mentioned in the stories. He seems to be a talent to be looked up to. He is a genius who wants people to applaud at him and give him a center- stage. And surely he has achieved his worth over the years by his never ending fan- base.
Adaptation of Sir Doyle’s stories has been done into numerous movies and short stories. Of all, the most impressive and something to look out for is SHERLOCK, a British crime drama which is a contemporary update Sir Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. It serves a visual delight as it traces the journey of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson as new- age characters. It is easy to connect and the excellent portrayal of characters by its actors makes you want more of it. It is enjoyable and exciting to watch how Dr. Watson turns a blogger and how he blogs about their cases and how Sherlock Holmes soon becomes an internet phenomenon.
To conclude with, all evidences are in the favour that Mr. Holmes our very own consulting detective has continued to enchant his audiences over the years and will continue to do so.....Don’t you agree with me?????......... And this is the reason why we love him!!!!!!

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