"It's not who i am underneath,
But what i do,
That defines ME"

"Well, there i see a man dangling from the 18th storey as he has lost all his fortunes in the stock market the other day. A few steps further a girl hides her tears as her only supposed love ratted away. Keeping aside the forest resources, the only other thing diminishing by leaps and bounds is the jocularity and jocosity in a human face. Am i somewhat right????

So,here i am to inject that syringe of laughter and silliness in your vein again.Are you guys terrified???Well, don't be. Because it ain't gonna hurt much expect for the fact that you might end up rolling on the floor laughing. Any guesses who am i??????

Yup,You got it right.I am a JOKER. I pacify the monotonous wounds of your daily life and shower a smile on the lips. People easily have an affliction with my uncanny dressing sense and my innocuous smile..Perhaps, even the frowning elderly foreheads light up with a glow at the sight of my presence. I have been an apple of the eye among the children for a long time. Everyone just looks up to me to serve a cup of laughter or two..And i just say-'Don't frown...Always Smile...Because you never know who is falling for you smile"

People fake a lot of human interactions.But i feel like i fake them all.And i fake them pretty well. I don't let others see what's behind the screen of me.Everyday i encounter new places and faces and somehow,by the blessings of the Almighty, i make both my ends meet. They say-"It's a rich man's world". I,on the other hand, say-"It's a happy man's world". But,you know what????When i wanna have a slice of those delicious dishes,I feel i am wrong...Like yeah really...-"It's a rich man's world". But,they can't light up a sad face with a cute gesture like i do....can they???Well,,I don't think so.

Now, you can't be another version of me.Because i am certainly the best,ain't i????Jokes apart.But you can make someone forget their ill-rooted days and give a momentary sheer of happiness and joy. Many people have just forgot how to smile.Next time you come across such one graveyard-looking person with a pale face in a big car just go up to him and say-"WHY SO SERIOUS?".And finally sum up with pick up line-

"Man has always been drawn to the sea. But it's an unnatural setting for us-a place of great danger. Tides, Currents,Waves, Wind-each presenting their own hazards,none of which can be ignored.The slightest lapse of judjement can be a mistake you might never recover from. But a good sailor doesn't fight against these elements. A good sailor works with them, using them to his advantage.While others less fortunate might be forever cast adrift,often in several pieces.He always comes home safely"


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