'Hey,just say 'why',my friend would interrupt me.
'Why',I would answer.
'Because the sky is high',she'd laugh gleefully and run away.
We often did this silly thing as small kids

This morning I was suddenly reminded of this.I'm often in the habit of asking God,'Why?'

Why did that boy,who just got admission in a reputed college,die of TB? He was the CBSE topper too. Why did that young lady I briefly saw in the hospital cry? Why did my friend lose her hubby in an accident? Why? Why?

I'm always a questioning character.Not a questionable one,mind you.

As I pondered over these questions,it suddenly dawned on me,'Because the sky is high.'

It was like He's telling me,there are things happening around me and even in my life I would never understand.With my finite mind.So instead of asking questions,I must leave the answers with the almighty.It's too high for me.I would know the answers when I meet Him one day.

So now I don't ask 'why'...
because I know the sky's high.

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