I feel like an abomination in a crowd , they treat me like an animal in a group of men. Is it a mistake to qestion the beliefs of a theist, is it a mistake if i need proof to believe something. I live in a shit hole of a country where an out of box thinking can get people to treat you like a freak show. A person i just met judges me as a traitor to this country just because i dont believe in god. Is this what god preaches the theists to do, humiliate non believers.

They say that a person with no beliefs is a dangerous person, i beg to differ, the terrorists are believers and think that god led them to do it, am i not better than them. Isnt qestioning something better, than blindly believing what the elders tell you. I an fed up of being judged by stupid people, i am fed up of them treating me like crap, and this is what i want to say give me proof not picture in sky or shit like that real evidance and i will start believing in a heigher power. Till then stop judging me and critisizing me and stop calling me a freak because i happen to be a human being same as you.

Tags: #atheism

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