The title might make you think this post is being written by some girl; yeah, because it usually girls complaining of people harassing them or something like that. But this time it's not a girl, it's a boy, and one who is really pissed off... >_<

What is the people's problem? They just keep harassing me. They keep asking me the same question over and over again! The same old shit I am hearing since the last five months:

"Why don't you get a haircut?"

Enough is enough. I don't want a haircut. I hate haircuts. What is so wrong with someone who just don't get a haircut? Every single guy I meet after a few months drop their jaws on my sight. For example, I have an aunt that live far away in the city(mum's sis), and I went to visit her at her home after more than a year. She gave me a totally blank expression on first sight(and so did my uncle and my three cousins).

Moreover, people keep teasing me, giving me several mega-stupid nicknames, that drives me totally crazy. But the more stupid thing is the fact that Mauritius, the island on which I live, is part of Africa. So my hairstyle is also Afro. Then I dunno why the heck are people so unoriginal. All they keep doing is trying to copy hairstyles from actors and other celebrities.

Well, I am me. I am not a dumbass photocopying machine. I love being original. AND SO I WILL BE BE ORIGINAL!!!.. I flush every opinion of the people; whether good or bad. I wasn't born to make the people happy. I was born to be me. And so I am being me.. :)

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