Falling..means ...er..falling.
You will hurt yourself. Ultimately.
So why fall?
Why love?

Let me explain. You see this gal..pretty n smart..
You crave her..you woo her..somehow..she falls for you too.
Then one day she ditches you.
The reason? She found someone better looking.
Your world collapses like a pack of cards.

Now if only you had realised that beauty is skin deep..if only you had envisioned what was coming!

Guys get so carried away by womens' looks.
When most of her face is greased with makeup.
Little do they know that this same slim looking gal after marriage will turn plump and her curves will be gone.
What will you do then?

Same holds true for guys. Most of their tribe go bald and pot bellied by age 40.
So you see..don't fall for looks.
Think ahead.

Now if you find someone with character..go man go.
After her..I mean.

Best thing to do is to wait. For the right 'her' or 'him'.
You guys rush into love and then repent all your lives.

Learn some foreign lingo.
Educate yourself.
Do social work.
Learn to bake..cook.
Stand upside down.
Why waste time n money on 'em mean gals?

A better way is to fall for this cute pomeranian dog..while you wait.
Or run around a waddling goose.
How about an elephant?
Late night 'trunk calls'...haha

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