Why do we find it so hard to MOVE ON? Why do
we have such a difficulty accepting the
inevitable, dealing with what’s right in front of
us – why can’t we get over something we can
do nothing to change? I guess we all just hope
too much. Hope for the best, hope that he’s/
she's still holding on when the truth is he’s/
she's long gone, up, up, up and away. There’s a
fine line between faith and naivety, sometimes
we’re too in love to see that line and so
BLINDLY cross it. In every relationship there
comes a point when the damage is too much
and no matter how good it once was, the
memories can’t sustain you. You have to save
yourself knowing all the while it will hurt like
hell, because you can’t keep giving someone
everything if you get nothing in return but

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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