I met this young lady a few years ago.She sang beautifully.Teaming with her guitarist hubby,they made quite a pair.

One day we had a long chat on the phone.I complimented her on her talented singing and added how fortunate she was to get a hubby like him.
She thanked me.And began her story.

Two years back,her marriage was arranged to a guy,an NRI through a common friend.She liked him,the family gave their assent and the union was duly solemnized.
The wedding night,the guy confessed.He had a live-in partner in the U.S.He didn't want to marry her but gave in to his parents' wishes.

My friend was shell-shocked.She was speechless.When she found her words again,she asked him if he loved her.
'No', he replied nonchalantly.

The next day she confided in her brothers who were really wild with him.They could have finished him off.One of her brothers is a famous guy.

Her parents,quite spiritual,restrained them.Divorce proceedings began.Thankfully the marriage wasn't consummated. She got a divorce in a few months time.

Her life shattered,she contemplated suicide.But God had different plans for her.Eventually she met this guitarist guy and they are a very happy couple now.

What about the ex-hubby? Where is he now?Is he still fooling around with other women promising them marriage?

I wonder how many precious girls fall for such rascals who are in it for some time pass.They make tall claims,take advantage of pretty,innocent girls...and when had their fill,dump her and go hunting for another.

I heard about a man who dated fifteen girls at a time.Eventually he married,still is around women without his wife's knowledge.The thing refuses to leave his system.

A man thinks if he's powerful,rich,and a wee bit good looking, he could do just about anything with a girl.Play with her sentiments,take her for a ride and then trash her like a rag doll.

Such men must definitely be taught a lesson.If not in this life,they would certainly have to account for their actions before their Maker.

As for women,they really need to be empowered to make the right decisions.Use discernment.Don't be led by emotions and finally wait as long as you have to,till you meet Mr Right.

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