I read the other day of women being beaten up by their husbands after marriage. There are villages where every single married woman is thrashed in front of her kids, in-laws every day. For silly reasons sometimes, for instance not cooking at all or not cooking tasty food. And the poor woman bears silently.

If we think this happens only amongst the poor, we're sadly mistaken. The affluent are at it too. I read of a pilot who beat up his wife regularly.

Recently, I glanced through a report of a famous actress of yester years, who was beaten up so badly by her hubby, maybe that's the reason she lost vision in one eye.
I was shocked. How glamorous their lives look on the outside!

Why do guys go to such extremes? And why do women keep tolerating this nonsense?
Why can't women just give them back? I'm sure most men would stop hitting, if they get an equal response.
"Every action has an equal and opposite reaction..." Newton's Maha law.
But our women haven't reacted since ages. And then keep griping and complaining all their lives.

Men and women are created equals. God's word says that. She was created out of his rib. That makes her his equal, right?
Not from his feet, so that he could trample on her. She's designed to be his helpmate.

Our men, under the mistaken, outdated notion, that they're born superior to women, need to change this outlook.

Simply look upon her name, 'Woman'...see how she contains a 'man' in her very name.
Women are precious.
Without them, men are nothing.
They wouldn't even exist.

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