What is at the end of a rainbow?
If I knew I would have told you so.
What is inside a man's heart?
Really, am I that smart?
Who am I and who are you?
Am I or are you what we do?
I'm not sure of a lot of things
Sometimes my head and ears are full of rings
Which way down the road do I go?
Am I truly driving that slow?
Are you lost in a sea of pain?
Do you have a lot to gain?
Does my friend really care for me?
Then why is it I can't see?
When is everything going to be real again?
When will we be free from sin?
The answers for this questions are vast
We are all part of the incredible cast
We perform throughout our long life
Through the good and through the strife
One day every answer will be revealed
Today we just pray to be healed
The future is fine for those who strive
And in the end we will truly be alive.