It's 6 a.m. already. There's so much to do. The lawn is scheduled for watering in another hour, need to send grocery list to Megamart, the dog needs walking but right now, Sonny needs to wake up. He'll be late to school.
Sonny is a 5 yr old. Like all 5 yr olds, he's curious about everything and asks me a lot of questions. In the midst of answering his queries, I get him to eat his apple, pack his food and ask him to take care as he uses the Door to school. The Door instantly transports you to your location depending on the co-ordinates given.
On the way to the next task, I see the hallway mirror. Normally, I don't look twice but today...Sonny's father is a doctor and his mother is a socialite. They lead busy lives and are usually never home. They hired me for any household duties. And for a picosecond, I look at all the LEDs and titanium alloy in the mirror and wonder, who am I?
The dog is barking incessantly for his walk. The list has been sent to the store. The lawn needs watering...

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