....He was sitting on his knees with his one arm extended towards me holding a bright dazzling diamond ring. His smile was complimented by his attractive tuxedo. His looks could make any girl go down to her knees yet he was on his knees and I was standing and he spoke those 4 magic words that every girl might want to hear at some point of her life," WILL YOU MARRY ME?"
Yeah, I was supposed to me happy, no not only happy but screaming with joy that a man so successful and handsome like him should propose me??..
But I just stared at him...don't know what to say...it was suddenly like I had lost my voice....
I thought for all these years I studied, just to get married when I had the opportunity to become independent.....
Will my future be only a home with a husband and kids??...when I am even not ready to see that part of my future...
However rich he may be but will he be able to give me my identity??...the one which I never had a chance to make...
Throughout my life I'll be known by some MRS..I'll belong to somebody but not myself.....
Will I ever know the difficulties of life or I'll just sit in front of my mirror and dress myself up???
Will I be able to control my life??..and take my own decisions?
or they will be influenced by others???
Will it be my life as I want it???......or as someone else wants it??
He was still looking at me with hope and I was just staring blankly at him. He cleared his throat as to wake me up from my so-called 'thought dream'. I smiled and said," I would love to say YES,"he stood as if he just had a victory over me but I broke that feeling by saying," but it is NO."
Then my smile widened and I got that sense of victory over myself and my freedom....He blinked as if he heard wrong but I said,"It is NO!!!"........because I still have to find the answer to a question before I say yes to anyone and that question is'WHO AM I?'...

Tags: FINDING me

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