She was his only daughter.Very bright and extremely smart.He,a priest,tried his best to provide her every opportunity to excel in her chosen sphere,within his modest means.

She soon found an excellent job in Dubai.In charge of a department,she was going through the files of a man under her.He too was a native of Kerala.

She smelt a rat.She discovered blatant discrepancies in the records.He had manipulated the figures.She reprimanded him.He was hurt.He didn't listen.Continued to do wrong.What right had she to discipline him,a woman at that? She had no other alternative but to refer him to her boss.
He was in danger of losing his job.

One day,she heard a knock on her door.It was about 5:30 in the evening.She had an off that day.It must be her husband.Did he leave work early?
Opening her door,she found her colleague standing there.
'Oh,just some files to be delivered',he said.She let him in and started to walk away to get him some water.

He whipped out a knife and stabbed her umpteen times.
'So much for your over smartness',he smirked.
Her husband returned home to find her dead.The police caught him.Unrepentant,he confessed to the murder.His original plan was to turn on the gas in the kitchen and suffocate her to death.But fearing she would frustrate his effort,he used plan B.

A very promising career was cut short that day.A dad lost his precious,charming daughter.
He forgave him.
Smiling through the tears,he goes on with his job.
For he must practice what he preaches.

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