'Hey, where were you?
you disappeared like dew!
One wished to know
did I have some woe?
Na, said I..
With a little sigh
'am fit as fiddle
though fat in the middle'
Watched 'em movies
with dance n groovies
Saw Mr Prithvi
but, he didn't me!
Studied lots of stuff
prospect of exam's quite tough
Watched a daily chef show
now malayali cooking I know
Went to a hill station
to forget sad state of nation
Modi always taunts
Kejri's face haunts
Came back refreshed
with lotsa air n rest
logged on Wb one day
Saw all new authors I must say
was little sad
missed my old friends real bad
Then one dark evening
I was on mobile leaning
when I saw an email
it wasn't a female
asking why am I not
on fb and wb slot?
Hmmm.. said I
feeling quite wry
thought that I'd cry..
why not give another try?
Next day found me here
having overcome my fear
Glancing thro' the posts
getting back to old time dosts
had khushi, with no gham
also found a guy called BUM
Folk, I found my wand
With my pen in hand!

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