Some weeks ago, I happened to peer into my steel cupboard. Rummaging through my clothes, I pulled out one. Only to find it covered with rust. Oh no! I quickly pulled out the remaining clothes from that particular shelf. A big patch of rust spread onto the shelf stared at me. Alarmed I searched elsewhere. Luckily only that shelf was involved. And only one piece of clothing was affected.

A few months earlier, something similar had happened. In another cupboard. That time it was mild dew from the wooden cupboard, spread onto at least five pairs of my churidars. Rendering them useless.

Why is this happening at such alarming regularity? I wondered. Then it dawned on me that my Friend up there was trying to get my attention. He had urged me before, but I stubbornly paid no heed. So here he was trying to tell me something. "Give them away. Quickly. Before its too late."

Of course now I had no other recourse, but to give away my precious clothes, all in good condition, expensive. But a wee bit difficult to wear, what with my size expanding each day. They were good and I wasn't willing to give them away. But now I had to!

"Store your riches where neither moth nor rust can affect it..for where your treasure is, there your heart is too." Awesome words!

So now I'm going to take out all my good, wearable or unwearable stuff and just give them away. I have an idea. I know a man who has adopted forty five street kids as his own. In Mumbai. I'm going to put a smile on their faces.

And also keep my treasure in a place where no moth or rust can ever spoil it.
Or thieves steal it.
In my cupboard up there.

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