Its just breaking dawn when he and her sister left their house. having breakfast of some dried pieces of bread and a cold tea.time was just 5:45 so their was not any hustle and bustle on roads. Their were hurrying to a public place a main bus stop of the city.they went to that bus stop everyday they were not going any where they just spend their whole day their....spending all day going in and out of buses...trying to spend some time in front of every auto-rishkaw every van or every other transport which was going to leave and have some passenger in it...the boy was roughly in his starting teens and his sister was around 8.they boy had some fault in his eyes but not that like he could not see...he was wearing a board around his neck....he was singing a holy song indeed his voice was like chanting in some "Mandar"..every time the went near some vehicle the boy rolled his eyes and took his eye balls back and his voice started catching the attention of people and their pockets.most of the people start looking for any coins if they had any in their pocket.few give the notes of rupee 10 or 20..some who travel daily by the same place did not even bother to it is almost 11'o clock of night they were going home but now they were not in any hurry.their bodies were tired. but their faces were shinning..they had counted their money they had earned more than 1000 rupee today...they reached home handed the money to their elder not all just some.....their parents had the same occupation...
it made thing where they left their dignity??

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