The word 'stupid' has a broad range of application, from being slow of mind (indicating a lack of intelligence or reason), dullness of feeling or sensation (senseless or insensitivity).... and these above said word jus "shooked" my mind!! i guess stupid simply means state of being "dumb" at times.
I think everybody is stupid in there own way. its just depend upon the reaction of a person at a particular situation, which decides whether he/she is actually stupid or not. It does'nt matter how much intelligent or intellectual you are....definitely at some point of time (if there is some chances of serendipity) u'll feel like a big stupid being just like others around.
but its okay...take it as a another experience in life...i say it rather makes u more mature!

i noticed one thing ...and i guess this should be mentioned in the book of "FACTS OF LIFE" that "no one can ever make you feel as much stupid as your real close one can make u!".....and in d end u keep hitting your head saying "what i'hv done with my life...oh shit!!".

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