It was last night.. I was writing a post on WB and was concentrating hard on it.. it's called 'Getting into a fight'. Then on the last paragraph, which I was about to finish, I began busting for a pee..

Knowing from life experiences that I would wet my pants soon, I rushed to the toilet.. closed the door, unzipped, sat down and peed.. I also used the time interval to try to make my last paragraph of the post more interesting.. doing cuts and thinking of more effective endings and so on.. Then the enemy charged..

It landed on my head. Instinctively I hit it off my hairs so that I can reveal its identity.. What I saw was horrifying.. A FLYING COCKROACH!!! "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", I yelled at the top of my voice,"COOCKROOAAAACCHHHHHHH"..

I was in deep trouble.. It sounded so stupid for a 15 years old to be afraid of cockroach.. but it was a surprise attack.. It was wandering like mad on the a soldier trapped in its enemy's territory , with no sense where to go.. I cleaned myself fast.. pulled my pants, without zipping and buttoning, my belt unfastened and I ran away as fast as I could as If running for life.. Mom and grandma were busting out of laughter.. I didn't halt..

Just headed towards my PC, with MY PANTS HALF THE WAY DOWN MY ASSSSS!!!!!(my boxer was on) I really made a fool out of myself...

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