At first, we chatted like usually newly coupled 'love-birds' do. Some jokes, some teasing, homework, school, sports.. we looked forward to talk to each other on mobile phone..

I had thought that maybe she just wanted to pass time with me and afterwards she would break-up eventually and carry on with life. I had even accepted that fact, since I am typically 'weird', flooded with unnecessary attitude and surely not the Charming Disney-character type of 'prince' that young girls often dream about nowadays..

She is not exactly every boy's expectation either. But she is a very nice and friendly person. We have so much in common to each other; we both love literature, writing, cartoons, we are basically both strict Muslims and lastly, but not the least; we both failed in maths as we both hate that subject.. I like her a lot, I do care for her and I cherish her friendly company..

But Whatever I thought was wrong. She doesn't like me at all. She LOVES me. She is damn crazy about me. She can't go one day without talking to me; she starts feeling alone and desperate. She loves me, like you know, the type in Bollywood movies. Can't think of ever breaking-up.. I had girls so crazy about me only in my crazy imagination.. But in reality.. the feeling of it is warm but addictive.. She is already deciding who to marry when she becomes an adult.. me of course..

I can't even think of breaking her heart someday.. not even for the entire wealth of the universe, because just like in the movies.. I'm scared she might get a kind of shock or something like that... But looking on the bright side, I can't help smiling about what a weird couple but matching couple we are.. :)

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