In the heat of a very interesting match, the rector(principal-headmaster), alongside the discipline master made their presence known on the handball pitch. At the very glimpse of the rector, all those who bunked classes and was smoking jumped over the wall of the school compound and ran away..

The rector started to inspect each of us, looking for faults. The street-foot match on the handball pitch halted unnecessarily, as most of my teammates turned to see what the hell was going on. I was flooding with frustration, this idiot was ruining our only P.E period of the week. I felt like hitting the ball hard on his face and break his stupid spectacles into pieces..

He found no faults except one.. my teammate-the goalkeeper- was wearing torn at the knees, light grey jeans.

"Why are you not in your school uniform?", asked the rector.

The boy(I don't exactly remember seeing him in this college) did not answer and was visibly panicking.

"Are you a student of this school?", asked the rector..

"No", the boy replied truthfully..

The stern rector grabbed him hard by the arm and started dragged our goalkeeper with him..

"Come with me U bloody bastard!!", he exclaimed..

I knew the boy's fate by the time he was being dragged away; police investigations, and pestering of parents. Damn it. He may have bunked school to come to mine, but at least he was honest about it.. That tyrannical rector was a monster.. Freaking stone-hearted..

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