I tried desperately for a couple of minutes, to no avail. After she successfully scored supposedly difficult games at numerous occasions, I had calculated my chances of victory to be very slim..

For all that I used to brag, supposedly I was the best, the undefeated and so on, I was to be crushed by someone who never even played in a tournament. Mom was smiling wickedly at me every time she scored..

Suddenly, I got up, putting my hand on my belly.. Mom looked shocked:

"where the hell do you think you are going boy?", She asked.
"I think I will have to rush to the toilet".. I replied.

I was lying of course. With that I rushed to the toilet, took enough time, and had to bear mom's taunts for a couple of weeks.. But she couldn't say she defeated me in carom.. I know it was a dirty move.. But better crook than hook..

If you know what I mean of course..

Tags: Short Story

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