It happened years ago.
We were seated in a small restaurant with our two tiny boys, waiting to give our order.
The waiter turned up eventually.
He greeted hubby.
Tall, fair and medium built..
and in his dark glasses,
hubby certainly was dashingly good looking.
The guy smiled at him, then asked, 'Aren't you actor so and so?'
Hubby blushed.
We lived close to Film City then.
Maybe the fellow misunderstood him for some one else.
I held back my laughter.
Our kiddos were about to burst.
Hubby shook his head.
(Maybe with disappointment!)
The waiter's fell fell.
'But you look so like him,' he was relentless.
He was chagrined.
Maybe he wanted a hefty tip.
We ate in silence.
I kept looking at hubby intermittently.
He tried to look normal.
He would be subjected to relentless teasing (from us) in the coming days..
but as for now..
he was on cloud nine!

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