Slither slather body of mine
I'm your concubine
Swine of a man,swim with me
Touch me,feel,spare me

Care of heart,done by you
Very few know how sweet are you
My mind says,I am yours
Lured,ensnared forever yours

Dew of morning,drop of rain:in morning
when on terrace,twain we laid; together
Without a shred of cloth or mat; we kissed
wrapped, had fun, no shame

Same on grass, near the gate;of India
In park beneath the tree; of figs and palm
All standing guard
We sinned,we prayed; skin on skin laid

Love defined anew by us
We cuss,in lust; he grabs my bust,in
Wild romp we roll around
Pleasure we get;gratifying,profound

Sound echo in room;around house
I shout,he smacks my ass about
And when he eats,slides down
I frown,moan smile; he makes the sounds

Late in night, he rubs my teats
We eat chips,feed each other bits
A glass of wine,bloody or white
The world seems calm,everything right

Tags: LIFE, Love

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