On a dusty road in the middle of the desert there was a hole. A hole brimmed with Indian rubber and diameter as big as the end of bottle. Covering vast tracts of land, across acres of sand, with blowing dust, flew a vulture on the crust of blue sky.

Brimmed with rubber the hole was dug deep. The length of which one could not measure by any scale, tape or rope. However at first look one did wonder at the shiny metal laid with workmanship of highest standards. The metal which looked like a tube turned rusty but with a covering of silt, giving it a copper colored glow. Presence of this hole wasn't supposed to be a reality but now that it was placed there, signified one of the many oddities of nature.

Finding a shelter among the thorny cactus, the shady corners of ancient rocks and oft found natural rock caves, is a bloody fight among the crawling and creeping creatures. A dwelling is coveted by all animals accruing from unrelenting heat of scorching sun and lack of fresh water sources to occasionally replenish and refresh. Such a finding pops a thought when on observing the hole one notices, the tiniest of creatures among thousands thriving in desert have clearly ignored a place to lay off some steam. Easily, if not the lengthy ones with big slimy tails, snakes of sizes big and small, insects that bite, or fungus that thrives in heat could live and call this hole their home.

No big poem or essay is needed to define so common phenomena that exists around us everyday. Their peculiarity and singular quality are not immediately exhibited. But difference lies when one chooses to see 'a thing' and observe. What and who could possess a quality that formulated the idea. Why did it exist where no man/woman or any animal was present in miles of distance.
Silt in hole depicts water. There is no tap or stream in the godforsaken oldforgotten never inhabited desert. Who would pay to install a hole, here!
Wondrous and baffling. Isn't it?

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