As the night approaches, the day's fatigue gives way to relaxation.. not just physically, but mentally as well. The masks you wear the entire day are thrown off. There is no need of pretense at night as it is just you. There is no need of hiding your griefs, your joys, your worries. The whole day you may hide your turmoil under the loads of work, but at night its just tranquil.

Well it appears so at the approach of night but as the night deepens the tranquility of mind slowly transforms into train of thoughts. Thoughts which you have been purposely trying to drive away from your mind. Thoughts which take you to another world. Sometimes taking to your dreadful or sweet bitter past or carrying you way ahead to your very own planned future. Sometimes these thoughts give insight to one's own self. As in discovering something about yourself, some attribute of yours you never noticed; some feelings of yours which you never felt before or may be feelings you just ignored.

The night indicates dead silence in the surroundings but the condition of mind is just opposite to the surroundings. It feels as if there is lot of rambling going on in there. This rambling even gets higher when one is trying to make peace with the mind. The more you try to sort out, the more you get entangled. The result- sleep runs far away and u become nocturnal.N when you tell your friend "Yar mujhe neend ni aa rhi" then what they tell is "Ohoo.. Kya baat h.. Kiske baare me soch rhe the?" O God.. who told that only people in luv have sleepless nights. :P

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