Hey, am feeling restless. Not one thing to write about.
Read about monkeys..celebrity goats...'em tiring exams...boring Math.
But..hey hey hey..I don't have one thing to write. Maybe I could write about the dal rice I just had..
The nice white grainy morsels accompanied with dallish gravy..but that's awfully BORING. Who ever wrote on dal rice before?

Maybe I could write about the hot, humid weather here..
or the clouds forming in early evenings giving way to slight drizzle, as if it were tomato soup given in advance to coax us to be hungry for a heavy dinner.

What is it about the rains that make one go completely mad?
Why do adults behave like kids..wanting to eat wet mud?
Why does a dad-son bond deepen only in the rain?
Why do couples dance holding hands in pouring rain as though insane?
Why is there a rain song-dance sequence in EVERY movie?
Why do women there wear chiffons and dance in a sensuous groovy?
Showing off their bountiful curvies?
Why do they look so lovely as rivulets of water stream all over their swaying bodies?
Why does romance bloom ONLY in rainy season?
Why do we snack on bhajjis and hot ginger tea in monsoon?
Why do we feel sleepy when clouds become dark and a hush falls in the sky?
Why does an aspiring driver suddenly fight shy?
Why do kids and grownups alike tremble when lightening flashes and thunder thunders?
When will school shut down for a month? kids then wonder.
Why do folk come home and bathe again after getting wet in the rain?
Why do we catch a cold then..the flu, aches and pain?
Why do icy pebbles crashing ferociously onto ground during stormy rains taste so wonderful?
Why's the sight of slanting rain lashing our windows mercilessly still so beautiful?
Why do little kids get all boisterous and rowdy?
Why do we feel so dull and gloomy when it gets dark and cloudy?

Any answers?
Na, don't need too many chancers.

But take your time...you creepy!
I'm already feeling sleepy..

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