Just like its counterpart “What women want?” I now present to you “What men want?”. This time again I have 10 points for you and surprisingly there isn’t a lot of difference, the basic requirements are quite similar in both women and men
Contrary to what you might think, most guys aren't looking for a supermodel. They're just looking for their perfect match: a woman who's down-to-earth, sweet and sensitive to his needs.
There are certain traits that men notice and ‘want’ in their perfect date/girlfriend and they might plan a future with you.
Read on to find out:

1. Confidence
If you only are not confident about yourself how can you expect him to have confidence in you? Believe you me, guys love confidence in girls and nothing is sexier than a girl who is comfortable in her own skin. So stop asking him if you look fat or if you’re ugly coz he might also start asking himself such questions

2. Intelligence
Now recall from the other post, just like girls, guys also don’t like dumb girls. Acting like a bimbo is so high-school-ish. Grow up and match up to his level of intelligence. Be smart and savvy and a woman that you are!

3. Un-materialistic
Yes, he wants to be your knight in shining armor. And yes, he wants to treat you like the princess you are.. but that doesn't give you license to act like one. Allow him the luxury of treating you with romantic dinners and surprise baubles without having to demand them of him.
Leave special treatment for special occasions and not ‘burn’ his pocket every time you meet. It might just put a burden on him and he starts doing it forcefully. Let him treat you lavishly and not demand yourself.

4. Spontaneity
Men love women who can do things spur-of-the-moment. Don’t get lost in your daily routine, come up with something new every time and surprise him. Don’t let your monotonous routine come in between you both. Spontaneous women go far in relationships than the predictable ones.

5. Laid-Back
The “mantra” to get a guy is to NOT nag with him. We all have hectic days, some just have worse days at work or with traffic but no, lashing out at him is not the right thing to do. Rather come back home to share things with him he’ll be more than happy to hear your sweet voice. So just let your hair down and don’t kick back else he would avoid you in order to avoid that nag of yours. don't remind him of his boss, be his girl.

6. Playfulness
Guys like girls who are easy going and who can laugh at their jokes. No one likes a serious person around them and if he’s making an effort to make you laugh, then you should also contribute. If not reply, then at least have the courtesy to appreciate it. but don’t overdo. Don’t be a mindless laughing machine but not too serious either. Biting remarks, sarcastic comebacks just serve the purpose

7. Sensuality
It’s not about looks, it’s more about the air of confidence and sexiness and the personality you have. You don’t need to have a hot body but you definitely need to know how to carry yourself. Take some time (than the usual one hour that you take) and make a little more effort to dress up (for him). It doesn’t mean you need to have all the short dresses and high heels in the world but you should feel comfortable in whatever you wear that your man should feel in you.

8. Honesty
Just like girls, guys too have the special power to sense when you’re lying to them. If he can’t trust you then he can’t see a girlfriend in you, anything long term is unimaginable. Keep everything open with him, even your past. Don’t lie, he’ll eventually come to know. And if you’re on the way to woo him, NEVR EVER think of lying, it would mean end of something that has not even started.

9. Independence
Dating a driven, passionate woman? So hot! Babysitting a stage five clinger? Not so much. No man wants a girlfriend they have to reassuringly text, call or visit every five minutes. Give him his poker night with the boys. Let him go golfing on a weekend. Don’t be too clingy, let him breathe. He’s not going anywhere or he might if you don’t let him!

10. Supportive
Support- not suffocate; you have to be with him in his decisions and NOT guide him. If he wants your advice, he’ll ask for it, you don’t have to lean in and spoil things for yourself. Be there for him when he’s tensed or is thinking of changing jobs or through any family problems. Let him come to you; don’t go after him asking what’s wrong. That’s what girls like, not guys. The last thing you want is to remind him of his mother.

Well, girls I hope this will help. and guys, you can suggest any changes/additions to it. there might be other points which is very subjective and depends on person to person.

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