( Well Im 21 now, whereas this was written when I was 16 )

At age of 5,Love was loving mom dad-Family

At 10,it was love towards school,teachers and frnds.......

But at the age of 15,Life took a turn...the teenage factor started showing what it is symbolic of :P
and like every girl ...I lost my HEART

Talking about those days,I know everyone of us must have been through it but still my personal experience was a bit abortive-I got a man who was explicitly out of this world ,bull-headed, dominance in genes and violent by nature .to my surprise inspite of all this I accepted him and thus proving an old saying "opposites attract".
It makes me think y only him in the country of 1 million people .Well,may be dat was on the cards .

Relationship became important than love at 5 or 10,school seemed to be burden,books were never so heavy before and parents became enmies.I didn't realise that I will have to bear the brunt in future.

That very person became the reason for existence but just as teenage life this relationship also had to come to an end and it did but only in smoke.

To be honest my knowledge about this prior was like Vam gogh's ear to music.So I did everything to please him,to keep him happy ,to keep it going and it did flourish in leaps and bounds and eventually it made me insane,vulnerable and coward.
Insane because at a point of time I ws crazy for him,vulnerable because people turned insensitive towards me and coward because I ws scared to lose him..

Now thinking back to What I was and what I am now,even if everything ws in doldrums I hv come up as a person who is strong ,mature and confident as it was an experience which was flooded with sorrow and this sorrow taught me dat this is love,which ain't so easy

I neva lost the hope..I allowed the dust to settle but in the mean time I didn't realised that I was burning the candle at both ends because the love was very much der. but he left me in lurch.

I thnk I made a clean breast about him but it might be a cock and bull story for many and now coming out of that teenage life..I wanted to speak heart out about it..and so I did...

comments appreciated...

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