Choking from my lies ,
let it pierce through every cell of your body ,
and we like lifeless flowers
forget about the intimate ,
you hate my breathe,
because it is so sweet and innocent.
you put out a fire ,
and love her so beckoning ,
and so you tasted it ,
so timid and careless
you know what will be the final thing
but this anger you fascinated ,
you become unbearable
did not sleep day or night.
you wrote poems and selected melody
and every day ,
you burrow deeper ,
and this web is becoming impenetrable ,
you tried to get it over with ,
but this drug
and each dose could be fatal ,
but your feelings suddenly extinguished ,
Muse had disappeared ,
and a hole inside you ,
you called her emptiness ,
Interest you lost everything ,
around the darkness,
nary daylight
Only alcohol and cigarettes
were your best friends ,
you fell asleep, woke up , asleep ,
and a new day.
end .
no reason to live .
lost meaning.
you disappeared .
stopped looking .
forgot how to live.
and didn't learn.
probably ....

Tags: LIFE

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