For years in continuum, I have been puzzled by many great mysteries. But, one always stood out: What is the capability of my Brain? Sometimes it works like a super computer with output within picoseconds(ps), at others it sticks to a single question for hours. Sometimes it understands even the poorest of jokes, at others it simply fails. It is said that the ultimate question for mankind is how we came into existence or how every single thing works? All great discoveries have been made in the quest for the answer. As I have said before, I've been different, too different to explain. I today suddenly realised that the answer to my question was simple and that I just didn't care.

Before that there are a few things I need to state. I have been studying lasers. They are one of the most powerful creations of mankind. A beam thinner than our nails can divide our body into two without even spilling a drop of blood. They do so because of their similarity. All the waves have nearly the same frequency and power.

While understanding them I realised that my brain also works similar to Lasers. It has a set of frequencies in which it is in ON state and is OFF for all others. This is the reason why I understand some things so clearly while completely overlooking some others. Probably that is why every one saw apples falling from trees but only newton found gravity.

This theory of mine can be extended to all mankind. Just as different lasers have different frequencies, every human being has a unique set of frequencies depending upon the constituents of his/her brain. There are many possible factors like CO2 percentage, the pepperoni pizza you ate or possibly your perfume. People are right when they ask you what you ate that particular morning as it is what you inhaled or ingested in your body that makes your brain laser work. So, beware when you eat your food. It might just make your brain go slow.

I know this achievement of mine is not worth a Nobel prize but is enough to boost my morale. There is a chance I can get in the research arena.

PS: Read on at your own risk
Just as we have lasers working on various modes due to spectral and spacial hole burning, our brain also has many operating modes in which it can work simultaneously and multitasking exists in some.

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