He lay there thin and gaunt. Skin and bones.
I watched his legs...thin as a chicken bone.
He beckoned to his older son. Gave him instructions regarding where he needs to look for his things in his home. " The key is kept there..that document here. Don't forget to visit the bank.." So on.

It was one touching scene. A dad whispering to his two sons. He never lost sight of them.
Had eyes only for them. We faded into the backdrop.

He looked sad.
We consoled him. About the hope lying ahead of him. When he would shed this earthly garments and clothe himself with his heavenly body. When he would walk on streets of gold and feel so vibrant and young again.

We gazed into his pale, sorrowful face. Large drops of tears flowed down his wrinkled cheeks. Something seemed to hold him back from letting go completely.

It made me wonder. What if death visited me today? Is my house in order?
Would my conscience be clean..guilt free?
Would I be holding onto some grudge against someone in my heart?

Have I paid all my dues? Have I forgiven that difficult boss?

Am I detached from overt attachment to earthly possessions? Or to folk for that matter?

Did I make peace with my neighbour..with God?
In short am I ready for death if it strikes any moment unawares?

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