Today somebody uploaded something on fb saying that if Columbus was married,he wouldn't have found America.The reason being the harassing questions like....... 1.where are you going?2.why are going?3.with whom are u going?etc.I am a homemaker and a mother of two kids.Had Columbus been my husband,I would have said..........1.Please hurry up and leave fast.You are getting on my nerves.2.Why don't u take one of our kids along with you?3.You couldn't discover America till now? What's taking you so long?Man can't you complete one single job properly on time?4.You are on leave today?why?go.....go to the office and please do not come back early as I have lots of work to finish.Had my husband been Columbus,I think he would have discovered America earlier.(This was just for some fun girls and guys.I am not a nagging wife).

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