I don't want a beautiful, hot or
A 36-24-36 girl...
i don't even wish for a babe or d best girl in town
as for now...
i just want a girl...who can love me...
i don't want her to be perfect...
but i can promise her that we'll make
our lives perfect together...
i don't wish a filmy love story...
but i'm ready to promise her...that
we'll make our lives better than
i just want her to be mine...
n the rest...i ll make it for her.....
all i wish is to love n to be loved...
i wish...i could get a girl...who could
just understand me...
coz once she understands me...
She'll understand...that i want nothing
but her.....

::::: PK <3 MâĎĎÝ :::::

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